Sunday, 22 June 2014

Desilting of Village Water Tank - Damera- on 09th June, 2014

CIMA-084-Desilting of Village Water Tank – Damera- on 09th June, 2014

About CIM (Giving back is Essential)
Lead India 2020 Foundation ( partnered with McGraw-Hill Financial ( the company which strongly believes in the motto, 'Giving back is essential'. It extends to giving back to the society. This year MHFI has launched Community Impact Month (CIM) in which 20+ employees would be working together and for solving public problems in their community. MHFI grants $2000 per project and employees spend their personal time on the project. This year S&P Capital IQ (part of MHFI group) ( employees applied for projects from various areas. These  employees are working tirelessly to fulfil the motto and render true meaning to 'Giving back is essential'.

Below are the details of one such project:

CIM Highlights at Desilting of Village Water Tank - Damera

Present situation at Damera Village:
The Ground Water in Damera Village, as well as in Nalgonda district is highly contaminated with fluorosis. This is a major challenge for the survival of human and animal life forms. Extracting and using ground water exposes the villagers to fluorosis. The only solution available is to increase the surface water levels is either by desilting water tanks or mobilizing water from other sources.

Volunteer work done Desilting of Village Water Tank – Damera

Keeping in mind these problems, S&P Capital IQ Hyd. conducted a CIM event at Damera village on June 15, 2014.

Though the core objective of the project is to excavate and transport mud from water tank to cultivated lands, our volunteers have interacted and educated farmers and school children on various aspects of life.

  1. Excavation and transportation of mud
  2. Financial Management in Agriculture
  3. Health Management in Agriculture

  1. What is a goal and how to achieve it
  2. Career Guidance
  3. Conducted different games and events

Impact of completion of the project :

  • Increased water storage capacity; resulting in a steady supply for irrigation and drinking
  • Improved ground-water levels for tube wells, and reduction of fluorosis
  • Soil morphology enhancement, moisture retention, and fertility and crop yield improvement for 3 to 5 years
  • Boosts organic farming, and reduces the usage of fertilizers and pesticides
  • Fishery and animal husbandry sectors flourish with increased availability of water and fodder
  • Generation of employment to labour in agriculture & allied sectors primarily in the lean season
  • Unique flora and fauna thrive leading to Eco-tourism and conservation of Bio-diversity

Feedback of the CIM Volunteers

Ajay Kumar Rayapati: 
Firstly, I would like to convey my special thanks to the CIM Leader for successful completion of this project and also giving this opportunity to serve the society that will increase the water levels and availability of fertile soil to farmers, and decreases fluoride levels in ground water. The farmers were very happy with our interaction. In addition, we all together helped the students understand their responsibilities towards the society and balance their personal and social goals. The students were very enthusiastic and eager to know a lot of things. They participated actively in all the events conducted for them. This CIM Project trained the farmers & students very well. I was actively involved and enjoyed this opportunity along with all other Volunteers.

Ajay Krishna Katakamsetty:
I am very happy to spend time with farmers and students as a volunteer of Damera project. I am thankful to the leader for giving this opportunity. I really believe in Gandhiji’s words. "Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian Economy". With this CIM project, we are directly helping to farmers and educating them for earning more output. These type of projects are really appreciable.

Satyam Aadepu:
Thanks to CIM project which gave me a wonderful opportunity to spare my time to serve the society. It’s a great experience for me to understand the village life particularly agriculture activities, farmer’s problems. I also felt very happy while sharing my knowledge with students and guiding them for their future career.

Ramesh Chandra Bharadwaja Chakkilam:
In Damera project we ensured greatest benefit to the most important people of our economy. The farmers were very happy for the initiative taken by us. There are indirect benefits like increased storage capacity and increase ground water levels. With this project we have ensured that all the entire community is benefited, unlike earlier projects where only a particular group of the community was the beneficiary.

Ramana Prayaga:
Water is the very basic essential for human survival. Due to human greediness and his acts in the name of development had made water a scarce resource. I am very happy that I attended a water conservation program. I am very thankful to Ballada sir for giving this opportunity of attending the Project.

Sreenivasulu Racharla’s (RC):
It makes me immensely happy when I indulge in these kinds of activities. Being a volunteer for the CIM program made me to think and cut down on my unnecessary expenses from this month. The program was really interesting and informative, and a learning experience for everyone in the team. I am feeling proud as being an employee of the MHFI and grateful to MHFI for giving us a chance for conducting these projects that give back something to the society.

Santosh Kumar Eligaty:
I am very happy that I got an opportunity to serve the society through the water conservation project. This project is successful only because of the farmers who are so active and cooperated with us through out. We participated in loading and dumping of the soil which is surrounding of the river and distributed the soil to cover the poor farmers’ cultivated land. We also told some stories to students to inspire them and made them under stand the moral in the story.

Dilip Kumar Mupparaju:
First of all I would like to thank my CIM Leader who has given me an opportunity to be a part of the project. After the conversation with a bunch of happy farmers, I can say from the bottom of my heart that this project is a huge success.

Feedback of the Village Sarpanch and beneficiaries  

T. Srinivasulu (Village Sarpanch): We thankful to the S&P Capital IQ Company for taking this project in my village. This project has immensely benefited the village, especially for the farmers in terms of increased water storage levels, which is very much useful in summer season. The increased soil fertility by spreading excavated mud is also very useful. As there is a huge demand and requirement, we request company to increase the number of projects in future to help farmers and support agriculture sector, which is back bone to the country. Thanks once again.

V. Narasimha (Farmer - 50 Years) - Because of this project, we are storing more water. We can use this water in unseasonal times also.

P. Muthaiah (Farmer - 42 Years) - We are very happy with this CIM project. Spreading desilted mud in the fields increases the land fertility and agricultural output.

Mutyalu (Farmer - 48 Years) Government is providing desilted mud and collecting 300 rupees per Truck but your company is providing the same at 50 rupees. Small farmers are enjoying this provision a lot. Because of the Desilted mud, crops are good and farmers are reducing operational costs and increasing their chance to earning profit.


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